Thursday 19 June 2008

R. Kelly Lawyer Apologises To Miley Cyrus

. KELLY's defence attorney has publicly apologised to teen actress MILEY CYRUS for using her name at his client's child pornography trial.
The singer - real name Robert Kelly - was acquitted of 14 counts of child pornography in a Chicago, Illinois on Friday (13Jun08)
During the closing arguments of the trial, lawyer Sam Adam Jr. had used Hannah Montana star Cyrus to explain how teenagers gossip in a bid to prove the sex act his client was accused of didn't happen.
He told the jury: "This wasn't a gardener or the man down the street or a janitor. This was a 13-year-old girl having sex with a superstar, and she doesn't tell anyone? She doesn't let it slip to her best friend? Never? Not anyone? You can't keep a 13-year-old's mouth closed over Hannah Montana tickets, but this?"
But Adam has since apologised for using Cyrus as an example.
He tells, "Miley Cyrus woke up this morning (saying), 'Why me?!
"Hannah Montana is the biggest thing out - no offence, Robert. And to Miley, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you up, and if you took it negatively, I'm sorry."
And Adam admits Kelly was unaware of his plan to use Cyrus' name, adding: "No, I didn't run it by him. I probably should have. Now that I think about it, I probably should have."